A strip of new land
Young people, start-ups and universities: the social challenges build new production chains and community development. In South Africa.
Andrea VecciYoung people, start-ups and universities: the social challenges build new production chains and community development. In South Africa.
Andrea VecciGiovani, start-up e università: le sfide sociali creano nuove filiere e sviluppo comunitario. In Sudafrica.
Andrea VecciPublic expenditure From the product to the result: how the legislation on public contracts has changed in the United Kingdom, thanks to the Social Value Act.
Andrea VecciSpesa pubblica Dal prodotto al risultato: ecco come è cambiata nel Regno Unito la disciplina sugli appalti pubblici grazie al Social Value Act
Andrea VecciAn innovative financial instrument to support social issues. Only a few cases in the world.
Andrea VecciLa finanza anglosassone prepara nuovi strumenti per intervenire nel mercato sociale. Con cautela, ma con grosse aspettative future, of course.
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